
发布日期:2022-03-21      浏览次数:18468

2009年毕业于华东师范大学,获系统分析与集成专业理学博士学位,教授,硕士生导师,37000cm威尼斯“工程实践名师”。曾荣获学校青年教师讲课比赛二等奖、优秀青年教师、优秀共产党员、心目中的好老师、教书育人楷模等荣誉称号。主持与参与国家自然科学基金、上海市自然科学基金项目多项,主持完成国网上海市电力公司、国网冀北电力有限公司经济技术研究院等横向课题4项。担任CCF C类会议Collaboratecom TPC member,承担 IEEE Signal Processing Letters、ACM's Transactions on Internet Technology、Frontiers of Computer Science、Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems、Journal of Cloud Computing、Journal of Internet Technology、Collaboratecom、TridentCom、MobiCase等SCI期刊和国际会议审稿人,荣获上海市科技进步奖三等奖1项。在国内外学术期刊以及会议上发表学术论文50余篇,其中被三大检索论文超过30篇。

[1] Zhongqin BiLina JingMeijing ShanShuming DouShiyang Wang. Hierarchical Social Recommendation Model Based on a Graph Neural Network. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing. 2021: 9107718:1-9107718:10. (SCI, CCF C)

[2] Tianchen Zhang, Zhongqin Bi, Meijing Shan, Yongbin Li. IFGAN: Information fusion generative adversarial network for knowledge base completion. Expert System. Early View. (SCI, CCF C)

[3] Zhongqin Bi, Shiyang Wang, Yan Chen, Yongbin Li, Jung Yoon Kim. A Knowledge-Enhanced Dialogue Model Based on Multi-Hop Information with Graph Attention. Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.128, No.2, pp. 403-426, 2021, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2021.016729. (SCI)

[4] Zhongqin BiShuming DouZhe LiuYongbin Li. A recommendations model with multiaspect awareness and hierarchical user-product attention mechanisms. Computer Science and Information Systems. 17(3): 849-865, 2020.(SCI)

[5] Zhongqin Bi, Tianchen Zhang, Ping Zhou, Yongbin Li.Knowledge Transfer for Out-of-Knowledge-Base Entities: Improving Graph-NeuralNetwork-Based Embedding Using Convolutional Layers. IEEE Access, 2020. (SCICCF B)

[6] Zhongqin Bi, Ling Yu, Honghao Gao, Ping Zhou, Hongyang Yao. Improved VGG model-based efficient traffic sign recognition for safe driving in 5G scenarios. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics. 2020, DOI:10.1007/s13042-020-01185-5.(SCI,中科院二区)

[7]Wen Si, Cong Liu, Zhongqin Bi, and Meijing Shan. Modeling Long-Term Dependencies from Videos Using Deep Multiplicative Neural Networks. ACM Trans. Multimedia Comput. Commun. Appl. 16, 2s, Article 63 (July 2020), 19 pages. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/3357797(SCICCF B)

[8] Bi, Zhongqin; Ma, Yuanyuan; Yang, Xiaoxian ; Zhou, Ping. Research on wireless robot path planning under edge computing considering multistep searching and inflection points , Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies.     (SCI)

[9] Bi, Zhongqin; Zhou, Siming; Yang, Xiaoxian ; Zhou, Ping; Wu, Jiale. An Approach for Item Recommendation Using Deep Neural Network Combined with the Bayesian Personalized Ranking , 15th EAI International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing, CollaborateCom 2019, London, United kingdom, 2019-8-192019-8-22.     (CCF-C类会议,EI)

[10] Meng-yao Shen, Jing-sheng Lei, Fei-ye Du, and Zhong-qin Bi. Power Micro-Blog Text Classification Based on Domain Dictionary and LSTM-RNN.e 14th EAI International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks & Communities (TridentCom 2019EI).

[11] Yu Jin, Zhongqin Bi. Power Load Curve Clustering Algorithm Using Fast Dynamic Time Warping and Affinity Propagation. The 2018 5th International Conference on Systems and Informatics.EI

[12] Qing YangLi HanYa ZhouShaobing LiuJingwei ZhangZhongqin BiFang Pan. Covering Diversification and Fairness for Better Recommendation. CollaborateCom 2019: 816-825.(CCF C类会议)

[13] Qing YangLe ZhanLi HanJingwei ZhangZhongqin Bi. Recommending More Suitable Music Based on Users' Real Context. CollaborateCom 2018: 124-137.CCF C类会议)

[14] Qing YangXianhe YaoJingwei ZhangZhongqin Bi. Exploiting SDAE Model for Recommendations. SEKE 2018: 11-16. (EI)

[15] Zhongqin Bi, Feifei Xu, Jingsheng Lei, and Teng Jiang. Attribute reduction in decision-theoretic set model based on minimum decision cost. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2016, 28(15): 4125–4143. (SCICCF C)

[16] Zhongqin Bi, Feifei Xu. Heuristic Reduction in Interval-valued Decision Table Based on Mutual Information, Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2015, 11(17): 6129-6137.(EI)

[17] Fengyong Li, Kui Wu, Jingsheng Lei, Mi Wen, Zhongqin Bi, Chunhua Gu.Steganalysis Over Large-Scale Social Networks With High-Order Joint Features and Clustering Ensembles. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security,  2016, 11(2): 344-357.(SCI, CCF A)

[18] Guokang Zhu, Yuancheng Huang, Jingsheng Lei, Zhongqin Bi, Feifei Xu. Unsupervised Hyperspectral Band Selection by Dominant Set Extraction. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2016, 54(1): 227-239.(SCICCF B)

[19] Dongyao Jia, Rui Zhang, Kejie Lu, Jianping Wang, Zhongqin Bi, Jingsheng Lei. Improving the uplink performance of drive-thru internet via platoon-based cooperative retransmission, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2014, 63(9): 4536-4545.(SCI)

[20] Mi Wen, Jingsheng Lei, Zhongqin Bi, Jing Li. EAPA: An efficient authentication protocol against pollution attack for smart grid. Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 2014: 1-8.(SCI, CCF C)

[21] Guoming TangKui WuJingsheng LeiZhongqin BiJiuyang Tang. From Landscape to Portrait: A New Approach for Outlier Detection in Load Curve Data,  IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2013, 5(4): 1764-1773.(SCI 中科院一区)

[22] Mi Wen, Jingsheng Lei, Zhongqin Bi. SSE: A Secure Searchable Encryption Scheme for Urban Sensing and Querying. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2013, 2013(3): 1-8.(SCI)

[23] 徐菲菲雷景生毕忠勤苗夺谦杜海舟大数据环境下多决策表的区间值全局近似约简软件学报, 2014, 25(9): 2119-2135.(EI)

[24] 朱林雷景生毕忠勤杨杰一种基于数据流的软子空间聚类算法软件学报, 2013, 24(11): 2610-2627.(EI)

[25] Feifei Xu, Zhongqin Bi, Jingsheng Lei. Cost minimization attribute reduction based on mutual information, 12th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD), 2015, 215-219.(EI)

[26] Feifei Xu, Zhongqin Bi, Jingsheng Lei. Approximate Reduction for the Interval-Valued Decision Table, Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology, 2014, 89-100.(EI)

[27] Zhongxiong Yuan, Zhongqin Bi. Uncertain data processing of the condition-based maintenance of the power equipments. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2015, 10(16): 7225-7231.(EI)

[28] Feifei Xu, Lai Wei, Zhongqin Bi, Lin Zhu. Research on fuzzy rough parallel reduction based on mutual information, Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2014, 10(12): 5391-5401.(EI)

[29] Lin Zhu, Jingsheng Lei, Zhongqin Bi, Feifei Xu. Study of fuzzy weighting subspace clustering for streaming data. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2014, 10(14): 6305-6314. (EI)


[1] 国家自然科学基金. 面向多网融合的智能用电感知互动服务关键技术(No. 61672337), 2017.1-2020.12, 排名第二;

[2] 国家自然科学基金. 基于节点社会性行为分析的车辆网络优化技术研究(No. 61373157), 2014.1-2017.12, 排名第二(联合主持)
国家自然科学基金. 电力监测无线传感器网络中感知数据的容忍与查询(No.61272437). 2013.1-2016.12, 排名第二;
国家自然科学基金. 基于云计算的海量网络数据管理与搜索技术(No.61073189). 2011.1-2013.12, 排名第二;
上海自然科学基金. 劣质容忍的电力负荷曲线数据质量控制技术研究(No. 13ZR1417500). 2013.7-2016.6, 主持
上海市科委地方能力建设项目. 面向建筑能耗监控的自维持无线传感器网络关键技术研究(No. 12510500700)2012.9-2014.9,排名第二
上海市教委科研创新项目重点项目. 电力监测无线传感网中不确定数据质量控制与修复技术研究(No. 13ZZ131),2013.1-2015.12,排名第二
上海市科委基础研究重点项目.电力监测无线传感器网络的故障诊断与安全机制(No. 12JC1404500). 2013.1-2015.12,排名第四
上海高校选拔培养优秀青年教师科研专项基金. 基于UML的面向对象软件测试技术研究. 2011.3-2012.12, 主持.